Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sharing the Passion

Over the past few months, I have been working with Harold Marley, Sr. as he approached me and suggested that I might have something to teach him about photography. It has been great to work with someone who is also passionate about photography. It has been great to see him grow and progress. If I am any good at this mentoriing thing, I hope he will one day be better than me and will share with others what he knows. Someone had to teach me, so it is only right that I do the same thing.

Dancing with a Purpose!

Sometimes you have to give back to the community, so I donated my photography to this worthy cause.  No child should go to school hungry or be hungry over the weekend.

Found A Star!

I have been looking for a Star dressed in Ballerina gear.  And I thinking I have found a Stone Cold winner.
World meet Ms. Stone!